Plan integrally
For the change of the construction industry, we need a design culture based on shared responsibility for the future. All stakeholders in a project are involved from the outset, integrally and at eye level, and act collectively in the interest of sustainability.
Today's common design methods do not meet the complex requirements of climate-positive, resource-conserving, resilient and socially just construction. Competition, lack of transparency and lack of knowledge sharing across construction projects characterize practice. A lived culture to learn from mistakes does not yet exist. In order to plan holistically, the various disciplines and players have to cooperate with each other as well as future users.
Experts from previously less integrated fields can relieve design processes and support realization. These include, for example, construction biology, ecology and sociology, life cycle assessment or alternative business and financing models. Interdisciplinary design teams, the establishment of participation processes, the identification of actual needs and the digitisation of planning processes can help with implementation. In view of the challenges, especially in existing buildings and when components are reused, it is important to involve craftspeople at an early stage.
Question outdated structures and let's work together cooperatively. We can only implement the change in construction together!
#Social Media:
Viele der A4F-Sprecher:innen waren in den letzten Wochen in Sache #Bauwende unterwegs. Hier eine Auswahl zum Nachlesen und -hören:
⏩️ hr-Radiobeitrag mit Tim zur Hitze in der Stadt in der ARD-Audiothek
⏩️ Spiegel-Podcast mit Judith zum Thema “Nachhaltige Stadtentwicklung”
⏩️ BUWOG-Podcast zu den neuen Forderungen von A4F und zum Wohnungsbau mit Elisabeth
⏩️ Bericht über das Wohnbau-Panel auf dem Evang. Kirchentag, wo Sebastian A4F vertreten hat.
⏩️ Interview mit Adrian in der Schöner Wohnen.
⏩️ Interview im Deutschlandfunk mit Christina zur Bauwende und dem Bauen im Bestand.