Strengthen climate resilience
Due to the climate crisis extreme weather events such as floods, heavy rains, storms, heat waves and droughts will occur more frequently and be more intense. Therefore, climate resilience has to become the design and planning guideline for the construction industry.
Our communities, cities and buildings are not prepared for the changes caused by the climate crisis and associated hazards. Climate-resilient construction means redesigning our built environment to ensure people's lives and well-being even in extreme weather situations, and to contain, if not prevent, ecological, economic and social damage.
Therefore, no new building plot must be designated. Areas have to be actively unsealed and renaturalized. In urban redevelopment, we have to establish consideration of the microclimate and local water management. Passive strategies such as urban landscaping, light-colored surfaces as well as shading concepts and retention areas counteract heat islands in public spaces. At the level of buildings, exterior shading systems make use of thermal storage mass, night cooling, and durable construction can reduce the harmful effects of the climate crisis.
As construction professionals, let's establish climate resilience as a fundamental strategy for shaping our environment!
Viele der A4F-Sprecher:innen waren in den letzten Wochen in Sache #Bauwende unterwegs. Hier eine Auswahl zum Nachlesen und -hören:
⏩️ hr-Radiobeitrag mit Tim zur Hitze in der Stadt in der ARD-Audiothek
⏩️ Spiegel-Podcast mit Judith zum Thema “Nachhaltige Stadtentwicklung”
⏩️ BUWOG-Podcast zu den neuen Forderungen von A4F und zum Wohnungsbau mit Elisabeth
⏩️ Bericht über das Wohnbau-Panel auf dem Evang. Kirchentag, wo Sebastian A4F vertreten hat.
⏩️ Interview mit Adrian in der Schöner Wohnen.
⏩️ Interview im Deutschlandfunk mit Christina zur Bauwende und dem Bauen im Bestand.