Critically question demolition
An crucial factor within the change of the construction industry is the avoidance of demolition and the holistic refurbishment of existing buildings, not in (the replacement of) new constructions. Therefore: extend the life of buildings instead of demolishing them!
Demolishing old buildings and replacing them with more energy-efficient new buildings has been considered the silver bullet for a long time. However, if we look at the embodied carbon emissions caused by the production of materials, transportation and construction in addition to operation, we get to see a different picture. In the long run, retrofits produce fewer emissions than new buildings in most cases. One of the greatest opportunities for a change in the building sector in Germany can therefore be identified within the post-war buildings of the 50-70s: these buildings with a high energy consumption equate to around 40% of the stock and it is comparatively easy to refurbish them into ultra-low energy buildings.
Further advantages of renovating and extending the existing building stock are resource conservation, waste avoidance, appreciation and preservation of building culture, and a more caretaking approach to the social environment. Inhabitable space can also be created through additions, conversions and changing a building’s use.
That is why we are calling for a retrofit-friendly construction code, support the demolition moratorium and promote the extension of existing buildings as well as the addition of new structures to existing buildings.
6 Energieaufwand für Gebäudekonzepte im gesamten Lebenszyklus; Studie Fraunhofer Institut für Bauphysik und Steinbeis-Transferzentrum; Hrsg. Umweltbundesamt 2019
Lebenszyklusberechnung über 50 Jahre Beispiel Mehrfamilienhaus Treibhausgas-Emissionen in kgCO2-Ä./(m2Wfl.*a)
Beheizung Bestand unsaniert: 57-58
Beheizung Bestand saniert: 3-17 ; Graue Emissionen für Sanierung: 3-5
Beheizung Neubau: 5-17; Graue Emissionen Neubau: 12-15
7 Dena Gebäudereport;
Viele der A4F-Sprecher:innen waren in den letzten Wochen in Sache #Bauwende unterwegs. Hier eine Auswahl zum Nachlesen und -hören:
⏩️ hr-Radiobeitrag mit Tim zur Hitze in der Stadt in der ARD-Audiothek
⏩️ Spiegel-Podcast mit Judith zum Thema “Nachhaltige Stadtentwicklung”
⏩️ BUWOG-Podcast zu den neuen Forderungen von A4F und zum Wohnungsbau mit Elisabeth
⏩️ Bericht über das Wohnbau-Panel auf dem Evang. Kirchentag, wo Sebastian A4F vertreten hat.
⏩️ Interview mit Adrian in der Schöner Wohnen.
⏩️ Interview im Deutschlandfunk mit Christina zur Bauwende und dem Bauen im Bestand.