Reconsider needs
‘What do we really need for a good life?’ is the starting question for shaping a future worth living within planetary boundaries. With a view to increasing individual and societal demands as well as counterproductive legal requirements, advanced technologies only are not sufficient to effectively reduce consumption of resources. (rebound effect)
One important factor is the demand of heating energy. Even though buildings are requiring a decreasing amount per square meter since 1970, the demand of heating energy per capita has remained constant. This is due to the doubling of the average living space per capita from 25m² to 50m² during this same period. To ensure that buildings have a significantly lower negative impact on the environment and the climate, we need to review personal and legal requirements with respect to potential savings and simplifications.
Often, needs can be met without energy- and material-intensive construction measures, e.g., through home exchange offers, new forms of living with sharing concepts, shared use of existing infrastructure, or multiple uses 24/7. In addition to changing usage habits, the solution lies in clever but simple design solutions more than state-of-the-art technology. Approaches according to the principles of sufficiency are an effective lever. Using creativity regarding existing structures, spaces and resources, we can create quality and meet our needs for the built environment within planetary boundaries.
Let's build only what we actually need!
VisLab/ Wuppertalinstitut 2015; Gefunden auf:
Viele der A4F-Sprecher:innen waren in den letzten Wochen in Sache #Bauwende unterwegs. Hier eine Auswahl zum Nachlesen und -hören:
⏩️ hr-Radiobeitrag mit Tim zur Hitze in der Stadt in der ARD-Audiothek
⏩️ Spiegel-Podcast mit Judith zum Thema “Nachhaltige Stadtentwicklung”
⏩️ BUWOG-Podcast zu den neuen Forderungen von A4F und zum Wohnungsbau mit Elisabeth
⏩️ Bericht über das Wohnbau-Panel auf dem Evang. Kirchentag, wo Sebastian A4F vertreten hat.
⏩️ Interview mit Adrian in der Schöner Wohnen.
⏩️ Interview im Deutschlandfunk mit Christina zur Bauwende und dem Bauen im Bestand.