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Forderung Head
Demand No.

Promote a healthy built environment

We have to adapt the built environment to meet the basic needs of people, thereby enabling all living things to live healthy lives with dignity.

Buildings play a central role in our daily lives. We live, work and recreate within them. We spend 80-90% of our lives indoors. Our cities, with their infrastructures and open spaces, also have a major impact on health and well-being. For this reason, it is important to consider all the relevant factors duringplanning stage already.


This includes non-toxic environments and the supply of fresh air, as well as thermal, visual and acoustic comfort, accessibility, fire protection and psychological factors in architecture. The vitaltask of designers and builders is therefore to design buildings, infrastructure and open spaces in integral cooperations in such a way, that they foster the health and well-being of humans, animals and plants.


Building materials should not be harmful to people or the environment - neither at the site of their extraction nor at the site of their installation. Let's consistently create positive environmental impacts through urban planning and building practices.


#Social Media






We have worked extensively on the demands. As new scientific findings emerge and further actions are required, we will adjust the demands accordingly. We plan to review the demands in 2024. Until then, we are collecting constructive criticism and suggestions. Thank you for your feedback!
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Für ein besseres Verständnis haben wir hier einige Fachbegriffe erklärt. Die erklärten Begriffe sind im Text blau Blau hinterlegt
Presseberichte und Hör-/Leseempfehlungen

Viele der A4F-Sprecher:innen waren in den letzten Wochen in Sache #Bauwende unterwegs. Hier eine Auswahl zum Nachlesen und -hören:

⏩️ hr-Radiobeitrag mit Tim zur Hitze in der Stadt in der ARD-Audiothek

⏩️ Spiegel-Podcast mit Judith zum Thema “Nachhaltige Stadtentwicklung”

⏩️ BUWOG-Podcast zu den neuen Forderungen von A4F und zum Wohnungsbau mit Elisabeth

⏩️ Bericht über das Wohnbau-Panel auf dem Evang. Kirchentag, wo Sebastian A4F vertreten hat.

⏩️ Interview mit Adrian in der Schöner Wohnen.

⏩️ Interview im Deutschlandfunk mit Christina zur Bauwende und dem Bauen im Bestand.
